Tag - eins shop online

Discover the Magnetic Grippers!

Our journey among our EINS range takes us to a special category: magnetic grippers and all the benefits you can get from using them. Magnetic grippers are ideal when you need to move ferromagnetic materials such as pierced metal sheets, complex pieces and either small or big metal plates. They are recommended for uneven surfaces where...


Breaking News! Eins and Vessel join forces!

Our online offer grows bigger with STAT-Clean, the anti-static solutions "made in Vessel". Since 2000, our partner Vessel has focused its research on countermeasures against static electricity and dust with the aim of improving the quality of work at the customer’s site. Static electricity can cause several issues during the production processes, such as dust attraction...


Micro-Moulding? Big Solution

Anybody who has ever had to devise or design an End-of-Arm-Tooling certainly knows that the smallest details are often the most stimulating challenges to win, in order to create a flawless solution. This is especially true when it comes to “micro-moulding”. Micro-moulding is a highly specialised moulding process, which produces extremely small thermoplastic...


An Aeronautical Metal to Reach Top Speed!

A great number of customers have recently asked us to throw light on the term “superduralumin”, which identifies the material of which some of our Eins components are made, in particular our complete range of quick-chuck changes and our runner chucks. For this reason, we have decided to dedicate this newsletter to this...


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